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Measure Ecommerce


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Ecommerce allows measurement of user interactions with products across your users' shopping experiences, including interactions such as product (item) list views, product list clicks, viewing product details, adding a product to a shopping cart, initiating the checkout process, purchases, and refunds.

For details on implementing ecommerce web apps, see Google Analytics Ecommerce.

Before you begin#

Make sure that you’ve set up your project and can access Analytics as described in Get Started with Analytics. Ecommerce measurement requires you to link your Firebase project to an Analytics account and to have the Android SDK v17.3.0 or iOS v6.20.0 and up in your app.


A typical ecommerce implementation measures any of the following actions:

At the heart of these actions are products. Products can be instrumented as an array of items that can be added to prescribed ecommerce events. The following example demonstrates how to create a collection of items that are referenced throughout this guide.

// A pair of jeggings
final jeggings = AnalyticsEventItem(
itemId: "SKU_123",
itemName: "jeggings",
itemCategory: "pants",
itemVariant: "black",
itemBrand: "Google",
price: 9.99,
// A pair of boots
final boots = AnalyticsEventItem(
itemId: "SKU_456",
itemName: "boots",
itemCategory: "shoes",
itemVariant: "brown",
itemBrand: "Google",
price: 24.99,
// A pair of socks
final socks = AnalyticsEventItem(
itemId: "SKU_789",
itemName: "ankle_socks",
itemCategory: "socks",
itemVariant: "red",
itemBrand: "Google",
price: 5.99,

Select a product from a list#

When a user is presented with a list of results, log a view_item_list event including an items array parameter containing the displayed products.

await FirebaseAnalytics.instance.logViewItemList(
itemListId: "L001",
itemListName: "Related products",
items: [jeggings, boots, socks],

Once a user selects a particular product from the list, log a select_item event with the chosen product in an items array parameter.

await FirebaseAnalytics.instance.logSelectItem(
itemListId: "L001",
itemListName: "Related products",
items: [jeggings],

View product details#

To measure how many times product details are viewed, log a view_item event whenever a user views a product's details screen.

await FirebaseAnalytics.instance.logViewItem(
currency: 'USD',
value: 9.99,
items: [jeggings],

Add or remove a product from a shopping cart#

Measure a product being added to a wishlist or cart by logging an add_to_wishlist or add_to_cart event, respectively, with the relevant products in an items array parameter.

final jeggingsWithQuantity = AnalyticsEventItem(
itemId: jeggings.itemId,
itemName: jeggings.itemName,
itemCategory: jeggings.itemCategory,
itemVariant: jeggings.itemVariant,
itemBrand: jeggings.itemBrand,
price: jeggings.price,
quantity: 2,
await FirebaseAnalytics.instance.logAddToWishlist(
currency: 'USD',
value: 19.98,
items: [jeggingsWithQuantity],
await FirebaseAnalytics.instance.logAddToCart(
currency: 'USD',
value: 19.98,
items: [jeggingsWithQuantity],

When a user subsequently views the cart, log the view_cart event with all items in the cart.

await FirebaseAnalytics.instance.logViewCart(
currency: 'USD',
value: 19.98,
items: [jeggingsWithQuantity],

To measure when a user removes a product from a cart, log the remove_from_cart event.

final jeggingsWithQuantity = AnalyticsEventItem(
itemId: jeggings.itemId,
itemName: jeggings.itemName,
itemCategory: jeggings.itemCategory,
itemVariant: jeggings.itemVariant,
itemBrand: jeggings.itemBrand,
price: jeggings.price,
quantity: 1,
await FirebaseAnalytics.instance.logRemoveFromCart(
currency: 'USD',
value: 9.99,
items: [jeggingsWithQuantity],

Initiate the checkout process#

Measure the first step in a checkout process by logging a begin_checkout event with one or more items defined with the relevant fields. A coupon can also be added at this stage to the entire order by adding it to the event or applied to a particular item by adding it to specific elements in the items array.

await FirebaseAnalytics.instance.logBeginCheckout(
currency: 'USD',
value: 15.98, // Discount applied.
coupon: "SUMMER_FUN",
items: [jeggingsWithQuantity],

When a user proceeds to the next step in the checkout process and adds shipping information, log an add_shipping_info event. Use the parameter shipping_tier to specify the user's delivery option, such as "Ground", "Air", or "Next-day".

await FirebaseAnalytics.instance.logAddShippingInfo(
currency: 'USD',
value: 15.98,
coupon: "SUMMER_FUN",
shippingTier: "Ground",
items: [jeggingsWithQuantity],

Log add_payment_info when a user submits their payment information. If applicable, include payment_type with this event for the chosen method of payment.

await FirebaseAnalytics.instance.logAddPaymentInfo(
currency: 'USD',
value: 15.98,
coupon: "SUMMER_FUN",
paymentType: "Visa",
items: [jeggingsWithQuantity],

Make a purchase or issue a refund#

Measure a purchase by logging a purchase event with one or more items defined with the relevant fields.

await FirebaseAnalytics.instance.logPurchase(
transactionId: "12345",
affiliation: "Google Store",
currency: 'USD',
value: 15.98,
shipping: 2.00,
tax: 1.66,
coupon: "SUMMER_FUN",
items: [jeggingsWithQuantity],

The purchase event replaces ecommerce_purchase and is different from the in_app_purchase event, which is reported automatically.

Measure refunds by logging a refund event with the relevant transaction_id specified and optionally (for partial refunds) one or more items defined with item_id and quantity.

await FirebaseAnalytics.instance.logRefund(
transactionId: "12345",
affiliation: "Google Store",
currency: 'USD',
value: 15.98,
items: [jeggingsWithQuantity],

The refund event replaces ecommerce_refund.

Apply promotions#

Ecommerce includes support for measuring impressions and clicks of internal promotions, such as banners displayed to promote a sale.

Promotion impressions are typically measured with the initial screen view by logging the view_promotion event with an items parameter to specify the promoted product. To indicate a user clicked on a promotion, log a select_promotion event with that product as an item parameter.

await FirebaseAnalytics.instance.logViewPromotion(
promotionId: "SUMMER_FUN",
promotionName: "Summer Sale",
creativeName: "summer2020_promo.jpg",
creativeSlot: "featured_app_1",
locationId: "HERO_BANNER",
await FirebaseAnalytics.instance.logSelectPromotion(
promotionId: "SUMMER_FUN",
promotionName: "Summer Sale",
creativeName: "summer2020_promo.jpg",
creativeSlot: "featured_app_1",
locationId: "HERO_BANNER",