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FlutterFire UI uses Flutter navigation capabilities to navigate between pages.

By default, it uses "Navigator 1." when a new screen needs to be shown as a result of user interaction (Navigator.push(context, route) is used).

For applications using the standard navigation APIs, navigation will work out of the box and require no intervention. However, for applications using a custom routing package, you will need to override the default navigation actions to integrate with your routing strategy.

Custom routing#

For this example, the application will create named routes. Within the UI logic, we can override the default actions (e.g. signing in or signing out) the UI performs to instead integrate with those named routes.

First, we define the root route that checks for authentication state and renders a SignInScreen or ProfileScreen:

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
const providerConfigs = [EmailProviderConfiguration()];
return MaterialApp(
initialRoute: FirebaseAuth.instance.currentUser == null ? '/sign-in' : '/profile',
routes: {
'/sign-in': (context) => SignInScreen(providerConfigs: providerConfigs),
'/profile': (context) => ProfileScreen(providerConfigs: providerConfigs),

By default, when a user triggers a sign-in via the SignInScreen, no action default occurs. Since we are not subscribing to the authentication state (via the authStateChanges API), we need to manually force the navigator to push to a new screen (the /profile route).

To do this, add a AuthStateChangeAction action to the actions property of the widget, for example for a successful sign in:

actions: [
AuthStateChangeAction<SignedIn>((context, _) {
// ...

You could also react to the user signing out in a similar manner:

actions: [
SignedOutAction((context, _) {
// ...

Some UI widgets also come with internal actions which triggers navigation to a new screen. For example the SignInScreen widget allows users to reset their password by pressing the "Forgot Password" button, which internally navigates to a ForgotPasswordScreen. To override this action and navigate to a named route, provide the actions list with a ForgotPasswordAction:

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
const providerConfigs = [EmailProviderConfiguration()];
return MaterialApp(
initialRoute: FirebaseAuth.instance.currentUser == null ? '/sign-in' : '/profile',
routes: {
'/sign-in': (context) {
return SignInScreen(
providerConfigs: providerConfigs,
actions: [
ForgotPasswordAction((context, email) {
arguments: {'email': email},
'/profile': (context) => ProfileScreen(providerConfigs: providerConfigs),
'/forgot-password': (context) => MyCustomForgotPasswordScreen(),

To learn more about the available actions, check out the FlutterFireUIActions API reference.