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FlutterFire UI


This page is archived and might not reflect the latest version of the FlutterFire plugins. You can find the latest information on GitHub:

FlutterFire UI is a set of Flutter widgets and utilities designed to help you build and integrate your user interface with Firebase.


FlutterFire UI is still in beta and is subject to change. Please contribute to the discussion with feedback.

Getting Started#

To install FlutterFire UI, ensure you have first installed & initialized FlutterFire by following the documentation.

Next, install the flutterfire_ui package by running the following command in your terminal:

flutter pub add flutterfire_ui

Roadmap / Features#

FlutterFire UI is still in active development.

Please contribute to the discussion with feedback.

Next Steps#

Once installed, you can read the following documentation to learn more about the FlutterFire UI widgets and utilities: