This page is archived and might not reflect the latest version of the FlutterFire plugins. You can find the latest information on
What does it do?Crashlytics helps you to collect analytics and details about crashes and errors that occur in your app. It does this through three aspects:
- Logs: Log events in your app to be sent with the crash report for context if your app crashes.
- Crash reports: Every crash is automatically turned into a crash report and sent when the application next opens.
- Stack traces: Even when an error is caught and your app recovers, the Dart stack trace can still be sent.
1. Add dependencyOn the root of your Flutter project, run the following command to install the plugin:
2. (optional) Platform integration for AndroidDart-only Firebase initialization for Android currently only supports reporting Dart exceptions. To report native Android exceptions, please follow the steps below.
- Add the following classpath to your
- Apply the following to your
3. Rebuild your appOnce complete, rebuild your Flutter application:
Next stepsOnce installed, you're ready to start using Firebase Crashlytics in your Flutter Project. View the Usage documentation to get started.